Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Puff Pancake (converted from my sister-in-law's original..thanks Linda)

Serves 8-10...very filing
Preheat Oven to 400 degrees

You will need:
Large cast Iron skillet - solid cast iron handle..(wood handled ones won't work!)
Large mixing bowl
Large mixing whisk
large hand held fine mesh strainer

5 Large eggs
3/4 Cup sugar
1 1/2 Cup soymilk or your 'milk' of choice
1 Cup Gluten Free Baking Flour...(B0b's Red Mill works well)
1/4 Cup Dairy Free margerine ..(I like Earth Balance for baking)
dash of salt
Melt Margerine in the skillet over low heat on stove top and remove
Mix eggs, adding sugar a bit at a time until well mixed and dash of salt; add 'milk' and mix well; using a large hand held fine mesh strainer add the gluten free flour sifting it in and mixing well
Pour into cast iron skillet
Bake for 25 minutes in center of oven

Remove and show off the puff on a trivet in the center of your table! It will de-puff once you slice it. Serve hot.

My family likes a variety of toppings ranging from fresh fruit like strawberries and bananas to maple syrup...for those with a serious sweet tooth as the pancake itself is sweet.

Winter Fruit Option:

During the winter when fresh fruit is not in season I will make a sauce over the stove top by simply emptying one can of unsweetened pineapple, reserving 1/4 cup of the juice into a small mixing bowl and the rest into a sauce pan; bring to a boiling point very slowly, add 2 tablespoons of potatoe starch to the reserved liquid and mix thoroughly; add the potatoe starch to the pineapple...stir with a whisk constantly...lower heat... it will thicken pretty quickly. remove from stove and serve hot with the pancake. You can add sugar or some other sweetner to this if your family has a sweet tooth, if it is a liquid sweetner like honey or agave you may need to add a dash more potatoe starch depending on how much you use...if its only a tablespoon you won't need to add more...if its 1/4 Cup you will need to add a teaspoon..

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